Cow Adoption

Our Animal Rescue Team works with law enforcement to investigate the worst cases of animal abuse nationwide.

Adopt A Cow
Sant Seva

Seva is a great equalizer. Through seva we learn to put our opinions and ideas aside as we learn to submit to others. Submission and surrender are the real benefits of seva,

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Tree planting is recognized as one of the most engaging, environmentally-friendly activities that people can participate in to help the planet when done properly.

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Shri Raghav Govardhan Gaushala Samiti.

Shri Raghav Govardhan Gaushala Samiti is a nonprofit organization where cows and other needy creatures are taken care of. Sick, injured, and hungry cows are served here. Cows are a part of our Sanatan Dharma, which is worshiped in every corner of the country. In Shri Raghav Govardhan Gaushala Samiti, cows are worshiped at every kind of festival. With the support and donations you have given, our organization has progressed today. By donating to our organization, you can be exempt from government taxes. In our organization, Food is served to sadhus, saints, and other passers-by at the ashram of Shri Raghav Gaudham Samiti on the Kamadgiri Parikrama route. So that every needy person can get food and a place to stay. Apart from this, food is also put on that route daily for monkeys and birds. Every living being has the right to live and be happy. With this objective in mind, Shri Raghav Govardhan Gaushala Samiti is continuously promoting its work. Cooperation is needed in this work. Your cooperation means a lot to our organization. Even if it is just a little, it is necessary to donate. Cows are taken care of in the Kanpur (Shivali) ashram of our organization. Thousands of cows reside there. Donations from all of you are necessary for these cows. This work cannot progress without your support.

What's New

Why we should donate - We are well informed of the fact that helping the underprivileged ones by donating to charity enhances the lives of people living in marginalized societies. By donating to charity, we get immense satisfaction and derive loads of pleasure as well. we believe that nothing is more important than assisting the poor and needy people and animals.

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For cows feeding- Let us come together and give something for cows feeding and their treatment. For sadhu and Fakkad sewa- Be the support system of sadhu and fakkad. They have not their family and home. They wander here and there. Some time they need help. Shri Raghav Gaudham foundation give them to shelter. So join us and donate for them. Save the Environment- we are trying to make Environment pollution free. So come a head and donate for a plant. So our future generation can live pollution free environment.

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