
Cow Adoption

Save Gau Mata Life

This planet belongs to all creatures living on it but we, humans, have made this a living hell for animals by destroying their homes to build ours. Its our responsibility to make this place liveable for animals.

Please keep these voiceless animals in your kind thoughts at all times. It’s their happiness that makes all of us at Shri Raghav Govardhan Gaushala happy too

Your help towards building a home for the Gaumata has filled us with gratitude. Levelling the ground with bricks so that the cows can roam around without the risk of getting trapped in the mud water. Also, the old sheds are being worked on and walls are being made. This has been possible only with your kind support. Had you not donated the construction materials so abundantly, we would not be able to give our cows a safe and well-built home

According to the Bhagwatham and other Puranas, Dharma personifies itself in the form of a cow and is saved by Maharaja Parikshit from being slaughtered. We can infer from this incident that by protecting a cow, we ultimately protect Dharma. This is the essence of Go Samrakshanam. Go: Cow. Samrakshanam: Protection.


Adopt a cow

Monthly - ₹2,100

Our Animal Rescue Team works with law enforcement to investigate the worst cases of animal abuse nationwide.

Yearly - ₹21,000

Our Animal Rescue Team works with law enforcement to investigate the worst cases of animal abuse nationwide.

Life Time - ₹1,11,000

Our Animal Rescue Team works with law enforcement to investigate the worst cases of animal abuse nationwide.